That's right boys and girls, moms and dads. It's time for some spring cleaning.
Contrary to popular belief, spring cleaning is not simply limited to your house, home, apartment or cubicle... spring cleaning is an all-encompassing cleansing of the mind, body, and soul! Why not fully de-clutter your life? Shed those toxic people who brought you down all winter! Shed those toxins in your body that has caused you to plateau just above your target weight for the new year! Shed all toxic thoughts and comments that caused you grief, depression, or feelings of defeat! Put an end to your exhaustion! Try putting something good into your body and releasing the bad. Think happy thoughts! Eat healthy foods! Exercise away stress and anxiety... and don't forget to water your vessel! Why not coast through life a little more smoothly... with a SMOOTHIE!
Today's detox: Carrot Apple Ginger Flaxseed Smoothies!
Feast your eyes on this cup of possibility! All you need to enjoy the benefits of this little wonder is a blender and a few simple ingredients:
- 1 teaspoon of flax seeds.
- 1 red apple, peeled and sliced.
- 8 snack-sized peeled carrots (or 2 normal carrots, peeled and chopped).
- 1 inch nub of fresh ginger root, skin removed. (should be moist)
- 1 cup of lukewarm water.
Soaking your flaxseeds & making flaxseed water. Gandhi once said that "Wherever flax seed becomes a regular food item among the people, there will be better health." This is true because flax seeds are packed with the fiber, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals needed for a happy and healthy life! Just one teaspoon of flax seed added to one cup of lukewarm water will release the slippery mucilage necessary to gently shed toxins through a natural laxative process. The seeds need to soak for a half hour to begin this process and once in the system, you will experience their glorious efforts 20-40 minutes later. You will know that you have successfully created flaxseed water when the water above the seeds appears to have a film and the seeds have become gooey.
WARNING: Don't try this if you have somewhere important to be within the hour or will be driving a long distance. These seeds are small, but mighty. After the above description, I shouldn't have to say more.
Blending the ingredients. Throw your peeled & chopped carrots into your blender or magic bullet followed by your peeled and sliced red apple, and your inch long nub of your freshly peeled ginger root. Scrape out the flax seeds with a spoon as you pour the water into the blender and start blending!
Enjoy. Swirl lightly and breath in deeply, inhaling the brilliant mixture of ginger, carrot, and apple before sipping slowly from your cup or through your straw. Simply inhaling the scent of this health-promoting masterpiece will make you feel revitalized. Within the hour, the flax seeds should do their job, helping you to shed toxins miraculously and gently... leaving you feeling lighter, cleaner, and ready to conquer your day!
Let me know how this works out for you!
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